Southern California Nursing Research Standards for Local Kaiser Permanente Facilities
The following are the standards for Nursing Research at the local facility (usually medical center) level. Local facilities who can demonstrate that they have met and are continuing to meet the standards consistently, may apply to the Regional Nursing Research Program to be identified, for themselves and others that a Nursing Research Program exists at their facility.
The standards are organized as independent structures and processes that lead to outcomes and reflect the minimum commitment for a local KP facility to nursing research.
The operationalization of the standards is a local undertaking reflecting the local culture. For example, at some facilities the dedicated group may be a standalone nursing research committee, council, etc. At other facilities, the nursing research agenda may be integrated into an existing group such as a practice or quality committee.
Select the link to download a PDF of the Southern California Nursing Research Standards for Local KP Facilities PDF
Select the link to download a PDF of the New Knowledge and EBP GPS PDF
- Group dedicated to the Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice (EBP) agenda
- Local Dedicated Group’s charter is aligned with regional Southern California Nursing Research Committee’s charter
- Existing as well as continued support of executive level sponsorship
- Identified Liaison to Regional Nursing Research Program and Nursing Research Committee
- Existing written Liaison succession plan
- Liaison partnering with local Southern California Physician Medical Group (SCPMG) Research Chair
- Resource allocation identified
- Human Subjects Ethics Training Process
- Education and training processes exist to sustain needed competencies for Research and EBP for nurses
- Communication Process
- Research and Evidenced Based Practice processes that contribute to the development and implementation of projects
- Dissemination of local research and EBP
- Engagement of registered nurses in various research activities which includes, but is not limited to, principle investigators (PI) or co-investigators (Co-I) in research and EBP project operationalization
- Local tracking of research and/or EBP projects
- Labor (LMP) aligned
- Number of research studies with minimum of two completed (with results less than 48 months old) and one on-going
- Advancement of nursing science is evidenced by dissemination of research study results# with clinical nurse involvement; at least one internal and one external presentation or publication
- Nurses evaluate and implement evidence-based findings in their practice as demonstrated in one practice change project. The references/evidence review and evidence implemented are provided
- Number of EBP projects