HomeGuide to Building Your Research Program

Guide to Building Your Research Program

Research as a Second Language

Do you ever hear the words Nursing Research and then Cringe? Do you think of Research as a foreign language? As a Nurse, do you think Nursing Research is for “those other people?” A lot of Nurses have these initial feelings when it comes to Nursing Research. Often it seems we mystify and make Nursing Research something that seems very difficult. In fact Nursing Research does take some education for the beginner and continued education for those that are expert, however it does not have to be as complicated as many think of it.

When beginning on the journey of Nursing Research take it slow.  Often beginning nurses interested in doing research think they should be out in the clinical setting collecting data.  Realistically there are many steps before that takes place.  Actually when reviewing the literature, you may find your topic of interest has already been researched. You can decide to use the findings from those studies, or decide your team may want to replicate the study to see if you get the same results.

The Guide to Building Your Nursing Research Program was developed to assist nurses to simplify building an individualized nursing research program from the ground up.  Inside the Guide you will find the tools and pertinent information to get you started on the right path.  It is recommended you take it step by step.  Start slow building the foundation so that it will continue to grow to be very strong.

Get started by selection the sections below:

Introduction and Table of Contents

Section 1: Starting Your Research Program

Section 2: Beginning the Research

Section 3: Working through the Research Process

Section 4: Southern California Regional Research Program

Section 5: Presenting Your Research Findings

Section 6: Misc Models,Tools and Resources

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