HomeNursing Research Series

Nursing Research Series

Essentials of Science: Methods, Appraisal and Utilization


Nurses are developing the scientific body of knowledge relating to nursing practice. While not all nurses are interested in conducting a research project of their own, all nurses are expected to read, understand and critically appraise research reports, as part of professional practice. In addition, nurses are expected to utilize the results of scientific studies to improve patient care. The purpose of this educational series is to assist nurses to be a consumer of nursing research, to evaluate the adequacy of research findings in terms of their scientific merit, and to consider their potential for utilization in evidence-based nursing practice.


By the completion of the series, the participant will be able to:

  1. Describe how research is different from other types of projects such as program evaluation and quality initiatives.
  2. Describe each step in the research process.
  3. Identify resources for further developing research skills at each step in the process.

Research Series

* Please note: The email adress mentioned in the Research Series has changed to KPSC-Nursing-Research@kp.org

To view these within Kaiser intranet click HERE

Nursing Research Series
and Instructional Tutorial
(web-based training)
Part 6 of 20:
Research Aims, Purpose,
(web-based training)
Part 12 of 20: 
Data Collection: Validity
and Reliability
(web-based training)
Part 18 of 20: 
Writing a Final Abstract
of the Study
(web-based training)
Part 1 of 20:
What is Science and what
are its Essentials
(web-based training)

Part 7 of 20: 
Variables: What You
Are Measuring
(web-based training)
Part 13 of 20:
Data Collection Techniques
(web-based training)
Part 19 of 20:
Getting Published: How to
Prepare an Article
(web-based training)
Part 2 of 20:
Overview of the
Scientific Process
(web-based training)

Part 8 of 20:
Qualitative Research Design
(web-based training)
Part 14 of 20:
Making Decisions about
Data Analysis
(web-based training)
Part 20 of 20:
Outcomes Research and
Evaluating change in
Nursing Practice
(web-based training)
Part 3 of 20:
Review of the
(web-based training)
Part 9 of 20:
Quantitative Research Designs:
(web-based training)
Part 15 of 20: 
Issues in Protocol Implementation:
Accountability and Responsibilities
(web-based training)
Part 4 of 20:
Development of a Research Problem
and Question
(web-based training)
Part 10 of 20:
Quantitative Research Designs:
(web-based training)
Part 16 of 20: 
Research Ethics and the IRB
(web-based training)
 Part 5 of 20:
Conceptual Framework, Models
and Theories: Their Relationship
to the Research Process
(web-based training)
Part 11 of 20: 
Population Samples and
Sampling Descriptions
(web-based training)
Part 17 of 20:
Translating Knowledge
into Practice
(web-based training)

Supplementary Materials

“Translational Research
– From Bench to Bedside”

(PDF, 160 KB)
“The Process of
Knowledge Development”
(PDF, 216 KB)
“Yes, You Can Be a
Research Investigator”

(web-based training)
“Falls Prevention/ Prevention of
Injury from Falls Integrative Review”

(web-based training)
“How to be a Co-Investigator” Handout
(PDF, 160 KB)


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