HomeNursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Residency Programs FAQ

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Residency Programs FAQ

Who will I be working with?

You will be networking with the nursing research team, EBP experts, nurse scientists, committee members, project managers, and principal investigators

Will I be assigned a particular study or EBP project?

Residents will have the opportunity to select a research study or EBP project of interest, with guidance from your mentor. You may select studies or projects that are being conducted in other medical centers. This allows awareness of how other facilities function, appreciation of diversity, and networking opportunities.

Where will I be working?

Residency hours for both programs are completed at the regional offices in Pasadena, CA. Occasionally, residency hours may be conducted at facilities that are part of your study of interest.

What will my work schedule be like?

You will be expected to complete 16 hours of research activities each week. This is a job-sharing state with your present staff RN position. Schedules are coordinated with your manager, plus there is some flexibility in planning your own residency hours.

What resources will I have during the residency?

Multiple resources will be available to you. A compilation of research and EBP books and tools will be available to you to use in the program.  The Southern California Nursing Research website includes research/EBP activities and other tools. A nurse scientist (research residency) or EBP practice specialist (EBP residency) will be your mentor throughout both residency programs.


For more information, email us here.



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