HomeNursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Residency Programs

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Residency Programs

The Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Residency Programs are opportunities for RNs to develop competencies that improve practice through application of evidence and translation of research findings.

Nursing Research Residency is an opportunity to work closely with nursing researchers on research projects.

The Residency is a mentoring experience designed to develop competency in the research process as it applies to nursing practice.

Time is provided to:

  • Read and report on the literature and the evidence available for key clinical topic priorities.
  • Participate in aspects of a research project, which could include Human Subjects approval process, data collection and analysis, or interpretation of research findings.

Residency Activities

Residents participate in the following activities:

  • Attending the Nursing Research Committee meetings at Walnut Center.
  • Participation in local-level research projects.
  • Completion of the Human Subjects Training and HIPAA Research Certification Tutorial.
  • Involvement in the Annual SCAL Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Conference.
  • Implementing and evaluating the integration of evidence and resulting practice.
  • Networking with Nurse Scientists and Advance Practice Nurses.

 For more information, please contact KPSC Nursing Research 




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